Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sampling and Revisions on the LES

Tonight marks the opening of Wayne Liu's first exhibition after arriving back from a three month photography stint in Bulgary and Paris.

I'm always impressed with photographers who have mastered the technique of a great print. Where I am right now, learning that skill is one of my biggest challenges. Wayne is one of those photographers. His series Haunted and Trace exemplify this quality. He makes a ghostly effect using high contrast, dripping chemicals, sometimes blurring the negative.

And I'm sure his opening tonight will be no exception as he has gone through his archives to create this work of installation photography, "Installation in 5x5 feet box of ortho lith films screwed and bolted on transparent fabric against fluorescent tubes" Liu definitively describes it on the invitation. 5x5 box, bolting, transparencies--all else aside, I just need to catch a glimpse!

March 3
7-10 PM
Gallery Bar
120 Orchard Street
photo: Wayne Liu from his TRACE series

1 comment:

Roger Mensink said...

Just discovered your blog from Danziger's. A treasure.