Monday, April 12, 2010

Wild Things: Found

Feast your eyes on this humourous/dirty (quite literally)/ dark, Roger Ballen's series, Boarding House. Ballen's work is sight to be seen. The photographer, who started his career in the photo-journalistic realm, switched to this distinct artistic vision after his Outland series in 2001. Most of the time, only small parts of the subjects are visible in each photograph--like a hand, a few fingers, a leg--and small animals make an appearance in many.

I think one can take the pictures to mean what he/she may on a personal level. As Doug Stockdale says on The Photobook, "I only have scratched the surface for all of the potential meanings that lay within the context of Ballen’s photographs." (Read his extensive review)

All Images: Roger Ballen. From Top: Concealed, Three Hands, Contemplation, Prickles, Appearances

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